Konsumenci, pracownicy, inwestorzy i instytucje regulacyjne coraz bardziej zwracają uwagę na wskaźniki środowiskowe, zaangażowanie społeczne i transparentność w biznesie. Zrównoważony rozwój powinien być kluczowym elementem strategii firmy, ustalając długoterminowy kierunek działania. Opella, dział Consumer Healthcare w Sanofi, jest doskonałym przykładem konsekwentnego dążenia do celów ESG, co doprowadziło do uzyskania niedawno certyfikatu B Corp w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej.
The prize money for the Broermann Medical Innovation Award is one million euros, which is higher than the prize money for the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
The award is a recognition of researchers worldwide who have made groundbreaking contributions to medicine, biotechnology, or related fields.
The nomination period for the inaugural Broermann Medical Innovation Award has begun, with the aim of honoring scientists worldwide for their pioneering work in medicine, biotechnology, or related fields.
The nomination portal at www.broermann-award.org/nomination/ will remain open until March 1, 2025. With a prize of one million euros, it is more valuable than the Nobel Prize for Medicine, making it one of the most highly endowed awards for medical research worldwide.
The Broermann Medical Innovation Award honors groundbreaking research that shows great potential for improving the lives and health of people around the world. This award is designed for scientists whose work has been innovative in the fields of medicine, biotechnology, or related sciences.
The Broermann Medical Innovation Award was created in 2024 to recognize the visionary leadership of Dr. Bernard große Broermann, the founder of Asklepios Kliniken. The award is sponsored by Broermann gemeinnützige GmbH, with the organization being managed by the University Hospital Giessen and Marburg (UKGM).
“With this award, we want to honor groundbreaking medical discoveries and highlight those whose research brings real improvements in the prevention or treatment of diseases,” says Prof. Werner Seeger, Chairman of the Award Committee. For the Medical Director of the UKGM, Prof. Friedrich Grimminger, the unique prize reflects the clear conviction of the company founder: “Scientific excellence in medicine is always an international team effort, but without the genius of individual researchers, networks are limited in their impact. These key players and drivers of medical innovation should be promoted and recognized worldwide.”
Proces nominacyjny i terminy
Nominacje do Nagrody Innowacji Medycznej Broermana można składać do 1 marca 2025 roku. Obecny premier Hesji wręczy nagrodę w grudniu 2025 roku w Kancelarii Stanu Hesji w Wiesbaden.
Dodatkowe informacje na temat nagrody, kryteriów nominacyjnych i procesu wyboru można znaleźć na stronie www.broermann-award.org.
W celu uzyskania dalszych informacji, prosimy o kontakt z
Broermann Medical Innovation Award
Mirjam Malko
tel.: +49 (0) 641 / 985-42310
e-mail: contact@broermann-award.org
Asklepios Kliniken
Corporate Communications and Marketing
tel.: + 49 (0) 40 / 18 18-82 66 36
e-mail: presse@asklepios.com
24-godzinna infolinia dla biura prasowego: +49 (0) 40 / 1818-82 8888
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